July 25, 2010

Road to 50: Day 4

I only played a couple games of halo on day 4. I leveled up once, from 39 to 40 in Team Doubles. the game went fairly well, I made several large mistakes that can be corrected.
1) Nade usage. Several times I had nades that I could have thrown but I didn't. I would have gotten several more kills and the game wouldn't have been as close.
2) Map Knowledge. Despite the fact that we won the game, our map knowledge was not nearly to the extent of the enemy team. Time to break out the custom games and learn the map.
3) Map Control. Several times in the game I noticed that a powerup had spawned and I didn't know. I need to make sure I can tell when the weapons and power-ups spawn to maximize my potential.

Hope you enjoy the game guys:
Part 1:

Part 2:


- Knighted