Halo Reach Update
For all you Halo fans out there it looks like Christmas is coming early this year. With Halo Reach set to hit the shelfs on September 14th 2010. With this being the last Halo game being created by Bungie before the passing of the torch to 343 industries, you know there are bring out the big guns. With Jet Packs, INSANE ASSASSINATIONS and maybe even a flying mission. This is our update on the release of the globally anticipated game, Halo Reach.

There is also big news for those of you who enjoyed halo ODST. Fire fight is back, with customizable levels where you can pick your guns and enemies. It's a whole new playing field for those of you out there who just love wrecking armies and armies of grunts.
And now for the good stuff. The latest news on the Halo Reach project.
- There is officially no more dual wielding. You can now say good bye to vetoing against all those annoying guardian duel maps.
-For those of you who got to play the beta its also time to say good bye to armour lock. Although there were mixed feelings about this armour ability. It has officially been replaced with a bubble shield.
-Lastly we here to Field Test are happy to confirm that the campaign will have a flying mission. Finally we will all know how the Pelican actually works!
So there it is, the latest buzz about the most anticipated game of the year. And remember where you heard it first, The Field Test bring you the latest news on everything Halo.
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