July 22, 2010

Flailing Your Arms, Now for Your Computer

Now that Playstation Moves and Xbox Kinect have been announced, it is about time that the fade extends to computer gaming as well. Razer who is famous for there outstanding mouse and keyboards have come up with what they call "Sixence Technology". With duel sticks similar to what we have seen with Playstation Moves, at first glance there doesn't seem to be anything special. That is until you handle it on your own. The Sixence is running on magnets instead of the common IR and accelerometers. That means that there is no more fiddling around with calibration and allows motion to be accurate to less then 1 mm in location and 1 degree in orientation. With WOWing movement like that, Playstaion better make sure there Moves is nothing like the Time Crisis Gun.(Anyone who has tired it knows what i mean. Theres definitely something wrong with your gun when it shots a foot to the left.) Unfortunately the only developers working with the Sixence Technology at the moment is Valve but they are trying to get this system working on all consoles.(Good Luck Razer) None-the-less it might be time for some of us Gamer veterans to drop our controllers and hunt down our neglected copy of CounterStrike.

Heres a video. You guys have to see how well this works!

P.S i wonder what leaves more fingerprints this thing or the new 360. Just saying...