July 9, 2010

Cheap Xbox Wireless Network Adapter Alternative

This might be old news for some of you guys, however it is our job here at Field Test to inform the rest of you everything we know to make your Xbox gaming experience better. For just a Microsoft xbox wireless network adaptor G, $80 is way to steep a price for the gamer on a budget and upgrading to a N adaptor jumps up the price to $100. So what are the other ways to connect to Xbox Live? We have complied a list of our best Xbox network alternatives and links to where you can find them.

1. For those gamers who loath slow connections and truly believe anything not running a Wireless N is just a big waste of space, we have the Mad Catz Wireless Network N Adaptor. Coming in both white in back this alternative will hopefully satisfy the picky gamers out there who still needs to match there PJ's with there favourite Video Game. (mine are indeed the Halo3 PJ's i got from Walmart) but for only $20 dollars less we were determined to do you better.

2. For the gamer who doesn't want to have to tinker with their xbox for a few hours and would prefer a plug and play option we found this Xbox Wireless adaptor replica. Although not made my Microsoft this Wireless adaptor looks and works just like the real thing but for $45.64 its at half the price. You can find this HERE at Dealz Extreme. Although it only comes in the network G model, it does come in black and white to match your xbox.

3. An awesome alternative we found that beats any wireless network adaptor is a power-line network adaptor. What this does is it connects your network signal from your router into your house power-line. From there you can access your network signal from any room in your house that has a power outlet nearby.We found this Video to explain how it works HERE. This allows you to have ethernet quality internet connection anywhere in your house with out running 100 feet of cable. We found this adaptor for as little as $24.19 HERE. Please note that this option at a good price may be a difficult find but it is out there. With the best connection of all our options and a more than reasonable price this is defiantly a Field Test Favourite and we encourage anyone who is looking to re-amp there networking system to check this option out.

4. Lastly for the gamer who has just scraped the bottom of his pocket to pre-order halo reach this summer and is flat broke, we have an option that will cost you nothing. This is if you have a laptop. With just your Xbox, an ethernet cable(cross over cable in some cases) and your laptop we found a way to run xbox live off of your laptop's wireless connection. We cant say that it is super fast however he have tested it on both Mac and PC and it runs perfectly fine.

Windows XP, Vista and 7

So there it is folks. The good, the better and the free. We do advise that you research any option and read reviews before purchasing anything to ensure its the perfect fit for you. We are not paid by any of these products. These are just our opinions. This is Field test signing off and hoping one of these alternatives work out for you. If it does, we may be seeing you soon on Xbox Live.